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Executive Summary Over the course of 2006/07, officers have replaced three of the Authority’s pool cars with models with significantly lower carbon dioxide emission ratings and lower annual rental costs. On average, carbon dioxide emissions will reduce by 82g/km (38%), while total annual lease costs are reduced by £1,189 (12%). Officers will continue to monitor usage of pool cars, overall business mileage in pool and private vehicles and ongoing running costs of the organisation’s business travel in order to seek to reduce costs further. In terms of longer-term improvements to the Authority’s carbon emissions, we must seek reductions in levels of business travel in addition to using the most sustainable forms of transport. POOL CAR REPLACEMENT FOR INFORMATION Background 1. The Committee considered a paper on the operation of the Authority’s pool cars at its meeting in February 2006. 2. The paper highlighted investment in additional pool cars in March 2005 had reduced the cost of mileage claims by staff using their own vehicles to give an overall reduction in the Authority’s running costs. The paper highlighted that the use of five pool vehicles appeared to be the minimum operational requirement, with around 33,000 miles continuing to be driven by staff using private vehicles. 3. The Board also agreed an Organisational Greening Policy for the Authority at its meeting in March 2006. Two elements of this plan were: • the establishment of a working group of officers to implement improvements to the organisation’s working practices which would reduce the environmental impact of the Authority’s business activities; • an objective to review pool vehicle needs and capabilities, and identify suitable replacement vehicles with more efficient fuel use and reduced emissions by end December 2007. 4. The purpose of this paper is to update the Committee on progress with the Authority’s pool car replacement programme, which seeks to contribute to a reduction in ongoing running costs and contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions from business travel. Pool Car Replacement 5. Over the course of 2006/07, officers have replaced all three of the Authority’s original pool cars with models with significantly lower carbon dioxide emission ratings and lower annual rental costs. A summary of the replacement programme is set out in the table below. Original Vehicles / Emissions (g/km) / Annual Lease (£) Ford Focus 184 2,619 Honda 229 3,858 Honda 229 3,858 Average 214 3,445 Replacement Vehicles / Emissions (g/km) / Annual Lease (£) Skoda Fabia 1.4 127 2,800 Skoda Fabia 1.9 135 3,173 Skoda Fabia 1.9 135 3,173 Average 132 3,049 6. Comparison of the original and replacement fleet indicates that, on average, carbon dioxide emissions will reduce by 82g/km (38%), while total annual lease costs are reduced by £1,189 (12%). Next Steps 7. Officers will continue to monitor usage of pool cars, overall business mileage in pool and private vehicles and ongoing running costs of the organisation’s business travel in order to seek to reduce costs further. While final mileage statistics for 2006/07 are still being completed, it is expected that the average use of each of the Authority’s vehicles equates to almost 20,000 miles per year. 8. The two owned Subaru vehicles are now two years old and now represent the vehicles with the highest emission ratings in the fleet. The office greening group has recommended that these vehicles should be replaced in late 2007 or early 2008 with lower rated vehicles in order to further reduce the Authority’s carbon footprint. 9. In anticipation of this disposal, officers have leased an additional pool car to trial the operation of 6 vehicles. Prior to replacing the owned vehicles, we will be able to assess the economy of running an additional vehicle in terms of further reductions in private mileage claims and consequent additional overall reduction in cost. Sustainability 10. In terms of longer-term improvements to the Authority’s carbon emissions, we must seek reductions in levels of business travel in addition to using the most sustainable forms of transport. 11. We are already promoting the use of rail travel rather than cars for travel to meetings where this is possible and appropriate, although our rural location does tend to limit this to meetings in and around the central belt. Initial figures for 2006/07 (the first year of promoting office greening policies on transport) show an increase of 9% in the use of rail travel. 12. The Staff Consultative Forum and Management Team has also considered a draft Homeworking policy to support occasional work from home by staff, where this is appropriate and acceptable to line managers, in order to reduce the Authority’s wider carbon footprint arising from staff commuting to and from work. 13. Corporate Services staff have also introduced a cycle scheme to support bike purchase and promote alternate, more sustainable modes of transport to work. 14. More detailed updates on the development and implementation of the Authority’s office greening action plan are presented to the Board’s Audit Committee. David Cameron June 2007 davidcameron@cairngorms.co.uk